Links to Research into Hypnosis
- Levitas, E., Parmet, A., Lunenfeld, E., Bentov, Y., Burnstein, E,. Friger, M. & Potashnik,G.(2006),Impact of hypnosis during embryo transfer on the outcome of in vitro
fertilization-embryotransfer: a case-control study. Fertility and Sterility, 85, 1404-8
- Simon E.P & Schwartz J (1999). Medical Hypnosis for Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Birth, Dec; 26(4):248-254 5. Steer P (2005). "The epidemiology of preterm labour". British Journal of Obstetrics
& Gynaecology 112 (Suppl 1): 1–3.
- Cyna A.M & Andrew M (2004). Hypnotherapy as an adjunct for induction of labour, Paediatric and Women’s Anaesthesia, Government of South Australia:
- Mehl-Madrona L.E (2004), Hypnosis to facilitate uncomplicated birth, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Apr; 46(4):299-312
- Cyna A.M, McAuliffe G.L & Andrew M.I (2004). Hypnosis for pain relief in labour and childbirth: a systematic review, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 93(4):505–511
- Cyna A.M, Andrew M.I & McAuliffe G.L (2006). Antenatal self-hypnosis for labour and childbirth: A pilot study, Anaesthesia and intensive Care, (34):464-469
- Freeman R.M, MaCaulay A.J, Eve L, Chamberlain G.V.P, Bhat A.V (1986). Randomised trial for self-hypnosis for analgesia in labour, British Medical Journal,
- Brann L.R & Guzvica S.A (1987). Comparison of hypnosis with conventional relaxation for antenatal and intrapartum use: a feasibility study in general practice, The Journal of the Royal
College of General Practitioners, Oct; 37(303):437-40
- James U (2009). Practical uses of clinical hypnosis in enhancing fertility, healthy pregnancy and childbirth, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice,
- Harmon T.M, Hynan M.T and Tyre T.E (1990). Improved obstetric outcomes using hypnotic analgesia and skill mastery combined with childbirth education, Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, Oct; 58(5):525-30